Book Review: Love Me Do by Lindsey Kelk

So, I typed a lovely review of this at Thessaloniki airport a couple of weeks ago – and then the bloody ‘auto save’ didn’t work, the wifi was rubbish and I lost it all – so I’m going to re channel my love for ‘Love Me Do’ again from a rainy Birmingham………………

I’ve enjoyed Lindsey Kelk books historically and so had requested an ARC from NetGalley – but didn’t get granted one before the publication date. However then just before I went on holiday I was sent one – how exciting – and perfect timing! Here’s the blurb:

“Greetings card copywriter Phoebe Chapman knows a good romantic line or two – and it makes her a fantastic Cupid.
So when she lands in the Hollywood Hills – a place that proves film stars, golden beaches and secret waterfalls don’t just exist in the movies – she can’t resist playing matchmaker for her handsome neighbour, carpenter Ren.
But you can’t hide from love in La La Land.
And isn’t there something a little bit hot about Ren, her own leading man next door?”

The book starts with Phoebe flying out from Sheffield to visit her sister Suzanne in LA. (I believe both of these locations are close to the author’s heart – so writing what she knows, which is always a winner!) When Phoebe arrives, Suzanne says she’s been called away from work to (rainy!) Seattle – so Phoebe decides to stay ‘home alone’ at her sister’s lovely house.

Within hours Phoebe has met the gorgeous next door neighbour Ren, Suzanne’s PT Bel – who has a massive crush on Ren, and a seemingly grumpy near neighbour Myrna Moore (a retired Hollywood darling) – and the book then plays out over the next few days and the intertwining relationships between all of the above in a lovely way.

As well as being a delicious romantic comedy – the book also touches on more serious storylines – such as coercive control in relationships, difficult family relationships and certain prejudices.

It was a perfect holiday, escapist read – and makes me want to go to LA to visit the quiet beach – and maybe even go hiking to a waterfall!

I’m thinking maybe it was fate that my review was delayed – because ‘Love Me Do’ is currently 99p on Kindle – so you can all rush and order it today at a totally bargain price!

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my review copy – even if it wasn’t an advance one!

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