Book Review: Our Holiday by Louise Candlish

Having enjoyed previous books by Louise Candlish, I was delighted to be given an advance review copy of her new book, Our Holiday, which is published early in July 2024. Here’s the blurb:

“Charlotte and Perry long for summers at Cliff View, their gorgeous holiday home overlooking the turquoise waters of Pine Ridge. And now that city friends Amy and Linus have bought a property nearby, they plan lazy weeks of sun, sea and sipping rosé on Charlotte’s summerhouse veranda.
But there’s trouble in paradise…
A rising tide of resentment towards second-home owners is heading their way and small acts of criminal damage are escalating into something more menacing. By the end of the summer, families and friendships will be torn apart and Pine Ridge will be known for more than its sun-drenched beaches. It will be known for murder…”

The book has a very similar vibe to Ms Candlish’s previous books – but if you have a format that creates Sunday Times bestsellers – why deviate?! It’s told from various characters points of view – including the DFLs (Down From Londons) and the local NJFA (Not Just For August) activists. There are lots of acronyms! Initially I found this a little bit confusing – as there were so many POVs (yes, I’ve thrown that one in just to be a d*ck!) and the time lines flick between pre and post ‘an awful event’ (no spoilers here, but it does happen very early doors in the book) – but once I settled into the book, the different perspectives actually made it really interesting.

The descriptions of Pine Ridge – and the Dorset coastline – are beautiful, and really evocative of a gorgeous hot summer (please let us have a gorgeous hot summer this year!) – and the claustrophobic weather adds to the claustrophobic feel of the book and the tension between many different parties.

I have to say that again, like previous books by the same author, none of the characters are particularly likeable – but that doesn’t stop you wanting to know what’s going to happen. The relationships between the parents and kids are really well written (although maybe that’s because I have kids of a similar age to the 2 couples?). Similarly the depiction of snobby middle class Daily Mail readers is also perfect!

There are little clues throughout about who the victim of the murder might be, but then the next chapter will throw cold water on your theory as someone else is in the frame as both murderer and murderee (possibly a word I’ve just made up…….)

The twists and turns are unpredictable – and there is not a neat ending all tied up with a bow – but I really enjoyed that.

A big thank you to Net Galley and the publishers for my advance review copy. You can pre order it now for release on 4 July 2024, and let’s face it – we’re all going to need fabulous books to escape to that day!!